
    Company ID: Contact person (full name): Position:

    ID of the company for which you want to develop a mobile application Taxophone.

    Contact person responsible for the integration of the Taxophone module into the Taxi-Master complex. For
    example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanov

    Contact person responsible for the integration of the Taxophone module into the Taxi-Master complex. For
    example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanov

    Your E-mail: Phone number (mob.): Phone number (landline.):

    Email of the contact person in the format: address @domain. For example:

    Mobile phone number in international format: country code (prefix operator) phone number. For example:
    +7 (123) 456-78-90

    Landline number in full format: country code (area code) phone number. For example: +7 (499) 123-45-67


    Select the country where the taxi app is used.


    Select the currency used in the taxi app.

    Select the language of the application interface:

    If you want a different language of the interface “telegram_bot”, you will need to contact our mobile app
    promotion specialists.

    Basic Parameters

    The name of the telegram bot (the name of the chat bot, should end with “_bot”):

    ВEnter the name of telegram bot

    The main home city of the taxi service:

    The bot will ask for the fare (car classes)?

    Specify the required tariffs (car classes):

    If you have a client application, you do not need to fill the data.

    Fill in the description of the tariffs (minimum cost of travel, price per km, brands of cars belonging to
    the tariffs, etc.):

    If you have a client application, you do not need to fill the data.

    The bot will ask requirements (wishes) for the order?


    Fill in the requirements list:

    If you have a client application, you do not need to fill the data.

    The bot will report the preliminary cost?

    Bot will ask for destination?

    Select an Address Source

    “Taxi Master” server - address recognition via your server “Taxi Master”; the same as when
    recognizing addresses in the ”Taxi Master” card order.
    2Gis - request coordinates via 2Gis server - requires API key (paid, to learn more contact your
    account manager).
    Google - Request coordinates via Google server - requires Google API key.
    Yandex - request coordinates via Yandex server (limited version of Api - only streets and houses,
    without points).

    Select the type of geocoding to be used to recognize input address/points:
    Taxi Master ServerGoogleYandex2GiS

    Number of SECONDS SMS with registration code may be sent again:

    The maximum number of addresses returned by the search.

    WARNING: The setting is applied to EVERY geo-coding source. If the value is set to
    3, and 3 sources are selected, then 9 addresses are shown
    If the value is not specified, or is not specified correctly, then the value is 3

    Server address (external static IP address or domain name):

    For example: or

    TMAPI Port:

    Use the port configured in Taxi Master for TMAPI (File > Settings > TMAPI). The default port is 8089

    If you have a client application, you do not need to fill the data.

    Specify the release version of the “Taxi Master” complex installed:

    Help - About - Database version for assembly, for example (Telegram bot requires version 2.15.7)

    Click to save and send the questionnaire to the specified E-mail